Monday, May 24, 2010


I stumbled across a youtube video of Kevin Spacey imitating away, and I thought, "holy fucking shit this man is amazing", and proceeded to disregard all semblance of schedule, and watched a shitload of interviews with him. Inspiring.

Which reminded me that I have a lot of other inspirations, most of which I would love to research and essentially creep on. When I find myself blown away by an actor or comedian or writer or what have you, I have this impulse to listen to all they have to say about nearly everything. Which means watching a succession of interviews through the magic of the youtubes. So for future reference and rapid-fire head-nodding:

Janeane Garofalo: ultimate badass and everything I admire and love to see in people, and subsequently hope to be myself. Eloquent, thoughtful, empassioned, bitterly sarcastic and slightly crazed, and a mixture of flagrantly relaxed speech with florid flamboyance, which shows a dexterity and confidence that is AAAWESOME, a backhanded and wry tongue and mannerism, and all this while being shamelessly lazy. In a word, awesomeness.

And one cannot forget a wicked sense of fashion. Or, well, she sort of embodies the nineties, doesn't she? Hanes shirt, man's collared shirt over this (baggy as hell, of course) tights under shorts and some combat boots. Which is basically the taste I've been developing lately, and pine after some combat boots of my own. This is an investment I will have to soon indulge in. Aaaaanywho.

Russell Brand: other ultimate badass/holy mother of God may I just, you know, shake his hand? Alternately, may I let him do terrible and obscene things to me? I mean I know he's infested with a slew of some-odd sexually transmitted diseases but COME ON. He is everything that embodies awesome. Or, well, another varying degree of awesome. He's a caricature to look at, really, all legs and hair and all, a sort of cartoon character emblazoned on the normality of reality!

I mean seeing him there all furled together on that couch is something near absurdly comical. But really, the flamboyancy is completely charming/impressive, eloquent and almost child-like in ardor when he feels like it. He's constantly poised and acerbic himself, and there's something so startlingly on-the-other-side-of-the-pond-ish about the way he goes about fluidly answering questions as they begin, not cutting off, per say, but rambling about with them. Endearing, almost, as though he's in on the joke with you, and this self awareness is, in turn, duly impressive. What a gent. And goddamnit, I love the flamboyancy, have I mentioned? I do. Further, recreating Jack Kerouac's journey on the metaphorical Road? (He never really hitch hiked but WHATEVER), that's entirely too hot to handle, although strikingly...hipster-ish, or with the same taste, for I have no intention of believing hipsters would recreate something by Jack Kerouac, or would they? Always a shifting entity those hipsters. But, anyway, that he would have interest in such an action is still appallingly HOT.

Katharine Hepburn: BAMF to the extreme. I have so much admiration and respect for this woman, because she commands it wordlessly. My God, she's so much that I endeavor to exude, a timeless independence that she carries with her. And with such fluidity. Completely assured of herself without giving the least recognition of this fact, let alone anything uppity whatsoever. She's imperious and capable and strong, so cool.

And stubborn and...I will not use down to Earth because that is such a trite and glossy phrase and instead I will say she is...whole. True. A fact, and sincere. Lacking a chauffeur is extremely cool. Very candid in these actions, very true. And at ease with this. And blunt as hell, willing to say something like "well all my contemporaries have died off!" which is too good. "Absolutely divine reply!" HER DICTION, HER WORDS.

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